Posted in How To

A Snappy NextCloud Installation

A Snappy NextCloud Installation Posted on August 7, 20241 Comment
Jacob Roecker is an addictive hobbyist and Linux user, father of four, veteran, college student who self published three books and dabbles with media production, management, photography, videography, and long distance running. Jacob's love for Linux comes from its versatility as a tinkering operating system. Jacob has often found the only elegant solutions to some of his tinkering problems have come from the community behind the penguin. Jacob's practical about what he uses and when. He often composes on his MacBook Pro because if he was using his Linux desktop machine full time he'd probably never get any work done because he'd be trying out one of the many cool new projects someone just published and shared with the community. Sometimes it's good to use an OS that doesn't have as much freedom. LinkedIn
(Last Updated On: August 7, 2024)

NextCloud is a SAAS solution that creates a cloud hosted file/productivity server with features similar to DropBox and GoogleDrive. Thanks to Ubuntu’s Snaps it’s easier to install on a server than it is to create and verify a new DropBox account.

Open a Terminal Window (CTL+ALT+T)

sudo snap install nextcloud



  • Find your computer’s IP address
  • Left Click On Network Icon and View Connection Information
  • Terminal: ifconfig



Place your IP address into your web browser and follow the instructions for first time setup.

That’s it.

Probably the shortest tutorial on this site but that’s by design. I think the brevity of this tutorial illustrates the elegance of open source solutions. Typing instructions into a terminal isn’t much harder than typing instructions into a web browser.

More great Linux goodness!

Jacob Roecker on Linkedin
Jacob Roecker
Jacob Roecker is an addictive hobbyist and Linux user, father of four, veteran, college student who self published three books and dabbles with media production, management, photography, videography, and long distance running. Jacob's love for Linux comes from its versatility as a tinkering operating system. Jacob has often found the only elegant solutions to some of his tinkering problems have come from the community behind the penguin.

Jacob's practical about what he uses and when. He often composes on his MacBook Pro because if he was using his Linux desktop machine full time he'd probably never get any work done because he'd be trying out one of the many cool new projects someone just published and shared with the community. Sometimes it's good to use an OS that doesn't have as much freedom. LinkedIn

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So, I did the same thing and got it up and running without issue…save one. Unfortunately, it’s a little more difficult to enable SSL/HTTPS for this snap as you have to dig into its config files. It’s honestly easier to do it the traditional way (i.e. LAMP). I fished around inside the snap directory for NextCloud and I couldn’t find the appropriate conf files to do it. Maybe someone else has been able to accomplish it. I do plan to do this again as it’s SUPER EASY and I like the idea of snaps better than Docker images.