…running Ubooquity Comic Book Server on Ubuntu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKpailp_isU Why a Linux comic book server? Have you ever wanted to share your digital comic book collection with others around your LAN?…
Learning To Love Learning Linux
…I ran Ubuntu on my laptop. I figured if the laptop died it would be no big deal, right? The funny thing was that the laptop ran damn near perfect…
NVIDIA Linux Video Game Tearing Fix
…something similar. Try installing XFCE, LXDE, or MATE. I run all my gaming on a MATE desktop and this tweak works great. Remember – you’re making tweaks to your display…
Exploring Tiling Window Managers
…had much of. So then I tried MATE, and liked it a lot. Still do, and have it installed on my machine, though I rarely use it anymore. What I…
Dude! Where’s My Data!
…(stupidly) using MATE’s sticky notes. Contrary to what you might think, the data for this applet was kept in ~/.config/mate/stickynotes-applet.xml At any rate, you only need to open this up…
Linux for your Loved Ones
…find PCLinuxOS with KDE to be a perfect match. My own mom decided on Ubuntu MATE 15.10 due to its “Welcome” feature and the fact it just felt “right” without…
Linux Networking with Connect2SSH
…administrators out there. He rides heard on a lot of servers, Including the EzeeLinux web server. Jeremy transitioned his entire operation over to Ubuntu MATE a while back and I…
Linux PulseAudio Doesn’t Suck | For The Record
Linux PulseAudio Doesn’t Suck (that much). Despite what you may hear elsewhere, there are aspects of PulseAudio that make it pretty interesting. PulseAudio seen here on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for…
Elementary OS Review - For The Record
…Dock if you want it to go away (since I had a previous config) https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/remove-planks-preferences-icon/12973 PIA not showing up in panel: https://freedompenguin.com/articles/quick-tips/private-internet-access-tray-icon-elementary-os/ App Issue with BookWorm: https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/14279/not-able-to-delete-pdf-ebook-in-bookworm/14290#14290 https://github.com/babluboy/bookworm/issues/24 App issue…
Galago Pro Available for Preorder
…About These Nines EzeeLinux Show 18.19 | Ubuntu MATE 18.04 First Look Web Server File Permissions Mystery Solved POP! OS Linux Review – For The Record The Merits of the…