…as a DVD player. (*5) http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=08395 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ If you are new to Linux and ZFS, I highly recommend starting with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS instead of the newer 16.04. In my…
…are available in the release notes: https://www.linuxMint.com/rel_sonya_cinnamon.php Linux Mint offers a selection of desktop environments. You can download a Linux Mint installer for Cinnamon, MATE, KDE and Xfce. I tend…
Out with Synapse in with Albert!
…it anytime by typing ! Then the command you want to execute. For example: ! ip address Unfortunately, I did not have much luck getting it to work with MATE-terminal….
Poor man’s Guide to Remote Linux Desktop Support
…Linux Works For You Beginner’s Guide to the Linux Desktop LibreOffice 5.3 – Freedom Meets Functionality Blocking Big Brother with Senji Security Linux Mint Mate 18 or Ubuntu Mate 16.04…
Linux Desktop Roundup | A Look at Five Desktop Environments
Here are my thoughts on KDE Plasma, GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE and XFCE. Please be sure to give EzeeLinux a ‘Like’ on Facebook! Thanks! Also check out http://www.ezeelinux.com for more about…
Beginner’s Guide to the Linux Desktop
…WE GOT HERE GNOME 3 looks much different than XFCE and MATE is a far cry from Unity. KDE Plasma is a world unto itself while OpenBox is a blank…
Sound Effects For Your Linux Application Launchers
…file and adjust the playback device pulldown option accordingly. More great Linux goodness! Linux Works For You Linux Mint Mate 18 or Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Beginner’s Guide to the Linux…
My Experience with MailSpring on Linux
…paid version of their service. They do keep these opportunities to remind you pretty low key, but they’re still baked into the app. I’ve been successfully running MailSpring on Ubuntu…
Plex Media Server on the Raspberry Pi 2 - Joy and Anguish
…at the end, but it’s all there otherwise) https://youtu.be/q1CS9PLmgMo Spirited googling took me to a rather detailed walkthrough by Richard Smith on YouTube. I used ‘dd’ in Ubuntu 15.10 on…
Sabayon Bizarre But Useful
…Linux and thought it was a nice effort, but a little too weird. That wasn’t their fault; that was mine. I was still clinging sharply to Ubuntu at the time….