Today’s article is the second in a series I call the “Getting work done” article series. Updates Added - see the bottom of the article: It seems like only yesterday…
Control Linux Boxes With Synergy
Today’s article is the first in a series I call the “Getting work done” article series. Let’s face it, there are instances where jumping from PC to PC is a…
Lessons from the Linux Mint Hack
POSTED 3:43PM PST, Sunday — Unless you’re completely unplugged from the Linux news media, by now you’ve heard about the exploit that affected both the Linux Mint WordPress site and…
How To Set Up a Recipe Server
Today Gary asked… Would you mind doing a walk-through on how to setup a file server, perhaps alongside my existing media server (movies and music) from a fairly new Linux…
Linux for your Loved Ones
Few things in this life are more frustrating than trying to provide tech support to loved ones. If you’re reading this, odds are you’ve run into this experience yourself at…
Installing Ubuntu MATE on a MacBook Pro with UEFI
Back in October, I explained how you can install Ubuntu on a Mac. It was a complete guide that included everything from dual-booting with OS X down to making sure…
Backup Plex For Ubuntu Reliably
It’s no secret that I like watching TV. From movies to TV shows, I like ’em all. I’m also a very happy cord cutter. This means I use a combination…
Old iMac Ubuntu Studio Installation
On September 3rd, 2015 Joseph asked… Hi Matt, I have the opportunity to install Linux at work on a 5 year old iMac rarely used due to its age. My…
Shazam Music Search Alternative For Linux
Growing up in a time of vinyl records and 8-track cassettes, it’s safe to say that I have an appreciation for music. Flash forward to today and we’re now able…
Open FOSS Training
Over the years, I’ve ranted and complained about the state of FOSS documentation and the barrier to entry for the casual user. With mixed success, I’ve championed various efforts to…