What if I told you that if you give me on an hour of your time I can empower you with all the basic commands you’ll need to start using…
Linux Mint 18.1 Is The Best Mint Yet
The hardcore Linux geeks won’t read this article. They’ll skip right past it… They don’t like Linux Mint much. There’s a good reason for them not to; it’s not designed…
Linux Networking with Connect2SSH
Connect2SSH is a BASH based script that allows for easier and quicker management of SSH and SSHFS sessions to unlimited hosts. Jeremy O’Connell at CyperWeb Solutions is like many system…
Are You Ready For Linux?
Linux on the Desktop is well past the stage of being a plaything for computer hobbyists but it still isn’t at the stage where it could be considered completely mainstream….
Linux 2017 - Looking Ahead
As the year 2016 draws nearer to a close, I would like to offer some thoughts about the last year in Linux and maybe even dare to make a few…
Beginner’s Guide to the Linux Desktop
There is much talk in the Linux world about the mythical “average user.” There is no such thing with Linux. First off, people who use Linux usually are those who…
My Mom Runs Linux!
People are coming to Linux in droves these days. They each have their own reasons. It could be a desire to get out from under the thumb of proprietary software’s…
How To Upgrade to Linux Mint 18
Clement Lefebvre and the Linux Mint Development Team promised to come up with an in-place upgrade solution for those who are currently running Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa.” Well, it is…
Linux Mint Saves The Day
There are no two ways about it. Ubuntu blew it big time with their 16.04 release. All of the Ubuntu flavors I looked at in beta performed beautifully but the…
SSH Is For Dummies Too!
If you’ve been hanging around the Linux ecosystem for any length of time, you’ve most likely heard about SSH. For those who may not already know, SSH is a secure…