Underrated Distros - Puppy Linux Bionic Pup

Under Rated Distros - Puppy Linux Bionic Pup. It’s a great distro, but it’s not without its flaws. I discuss. This episode went public immediately because, new channel. 

All other episodes going forward are Patreon subscriber FIRST, then a week later public.

Support the Show

- Puppy Linux BionicPup: http://blog.puppylinux.com/bionicpup-32-bit-and-64-bit-released

- Puppy Security Explained: http://bkhome.org/archive/puppylinux/technical/root.htm

- Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/freedompenguin

5 Reasons To Use Ubuntu MATE

5 Reasons To Use Ubuntu MATE

5 reasons to use Ubuntu MATE. I have contributed both in ideas and in the past, financially to Ubuntu MATE. It’s a solid Linux distro that really shines in its stability and usability. Today I’m sharing my top five reasons why I think you should consider using Ubuntu MATE as your goto Linux distro.


## Get Ubuntu MATE - https://ubuntu-mate.org/

# The Ubuntu base for those who might want a different desktop environment.

# Ubuntu MATE Welcome menu and the software boutique.

# Mutiny…or Panel Selector , actually. In the video, I called panel selector Mutiny when really, Mutiny is merely the Unity panel layout. Either way, the addition of the various layouts is indeed fantastic. I was tired and messed up the naming scheme. 🙂

# Ubuntu MATE control center. Simple, refined and easy to manage.

# So many indicators! Best of all, they work after upgrading to new versions of the desktop. Looking at you Gnome!

A Look at Xubuntu 18.04

I finally got around to looking at Xubuntu 18.04… It’s nice!

To find out more about Xubuntu: https://xubuntu.org/release/18-04/

To fix Nvidia screen tearing with the Xfce4 compositor, Run this command at startup:

nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

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elementary os 5 Juno - For The Record

elementary os 5 Juno - For The Record

elementary os 5 Juno first look. What’s working, what’s not and what happens to be brand new with elementary os. This first look at elementary os 5 Juno includes some things to make upgrading a little easier, suggestions for the next release and list of features I think are simply fantastic.Get

elementary OS - https://elementary.io/

elementary os 5 Juno release notes - https://medium.com/elementaryos/elementary-os-5-juno-is-here-471dfdedc7b3

Aptik - https://github.com/teejee2008/aptik

Bring Back Indicators - https://github.com/mdh34/elementary-indicators/blob/master/README.md

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