1 - Linux isn’t Windows. There is no magical company to go to,things will behave differently. If you expect a parity experience, you’re going to be disappointed. Software types, source of software or installing a new driver.
2 - Linux does what it’s told to. Something isn’t working? Odds are, it’s just not working as expected it means you need to adjust a configuration or rethink the tools used to interact with Linux. This includes hardware not appearing to work, audio and video.
3 - Linux applications may work differently than legacy applications. MS Word vs LibreOffice, Photoshop vs GIMP, exe installers vs repositories.
4 - Linux offers choice. Different distros, desktop environments and methods of application installation.
5 - Dual booting with Linux is not recommended. Linux distros are quite capable of dual booting with Windows. However, it’s not uncommon for updates to Windows to mess up access to Linux when dual booting. And yet, it’s Linux that usually gets the blame.